Day 8 of 30: Your favorite animated character

Alright guys a I know that this post is crazy late and a long time overdue.  But you know how it is sometimes life gets in the way and you don’t have the time, (as in I blew the transmission in my car and I had to get a new one, but I did and it’s super nice more about that in a later post).

Today’s prompt was to draw you favorite animated character, I picked Mulan, because she is a strong female character and not your normal female lead in a Disney movie.  I could go off on a tangent about that but I’m not going to at least not today.  It has been a long time since I’ve done copy work like this, as in I haven’t done something like this in at least 10 years probably closer to 15 ( which makes me feel a little old). Since it’s been a while I’m a little rusty and Mulan has some serious issues as you will see but here it is.


Her head is too small and her neck too long

You can’t do great on all the challenges and since the last two turned out pretty sweet I’ll take this for what it is.

Day 7 of 30: Your favorite movie

Today’s assignment was to draw your favorite movie, this was a no brainer for me, because when you watch a 4 hour movie more than a dozen times you would have to be dumb not to call it your favorite.


Clark Gable and Vivian Leigh are amazing in this movie.

I love all things Gone with the Wind, the movie and the book.  In my opinion despite whining occasionally Scarlett O’Hara is a real bad ass. And Vivian Leigh does an amazing job portraying her.  And I’m completely in love with how well the blending worked out an how much this actually looks like the real DVD case.

Day 6 of 30: Your Favorite Book

Day 6 of the 30 day drawing challenge was you favorite book.  This one was tough for me because I read some much my favorite book changes a lot,so to figure out this challenge I asked myself if I could only read one book for the rest of my life what would it be?  The answer that came to me was Valley of the Dolls by Jacqueline Susann.  This book has sex, drugs, love, betrayal and just about anything that you could happen and the best part is it takes place during the “Golden Age” of Hollywood, which is something I find completely fascinating, (but I think that is a blog post for another day)

Valley of the Dolls follows 3 girls Neely, Jennifer and Anne as they try and navigate there way through New York in the 1940s- to Hollywood in the 1960s.  It’s an amazing book that I feel every girl should read at least once, because while the times may be different and the sorry may be fiction, the main story line that is follows is “How do you stay true to yourself when the world your living in doesn’t support being who you are”. Well at least that is the story I take from it but every one has their own views as they should, and It has been a while since I read the book, it might be time to read it again.


“At Least I have my Dolls to get through it”

You’ve got to climb to the top of Mount Everest
to reach the Valley of the Dolls.
It’s a brutal climb to reach that peak,
which so few have seen.
You never knew what was really up there,
but the last thing you expect to find
was the Valley of the Dolls.
You stand there, waiting for
the rush of exhilaration
you thought you’d feel- but
it doesn’t come.
You’re too far away to hear the applause
and take your bows.
And there’s no place left to climb.
You’re alone, and
the feeling of loneliness is overpowering.
The air is so thin you can scarcely breathe.
You’ve made it-and the world says
you’re a hero.
But it was more fun at the bottom
when you started,
with nothing more than hope and
the dream of fulfillment.
All you saw was the top of that mountain-
there was no one to tell you
about the Valley of the Dolls.
But it’s different when you reach the summit.
The elements have left you battered,
deafened, sightless-and too weary
to enjoy your victory.from Jackie Susann’s poem ‘The Valley of the Dolls’

This is the poem that starts Valley of the Dolls, I thought I would share it just to give you a little taste of this amazing novel.


Question of the Day:  If you could only read one book for the rest of your life what would it be?

Day 5 of 30: Your Best Friends

Okay this one was really hard for me because I’m not really a people person and I’m completely awful at making friends.  So I decided to draw my sisters because the are my best friends. Although my portraits of them kind of suck but such is life.  This challenge is helping me realize that realism really isn’t my forte.  I would like to apolgize to my sisters if they actual look at this pictures because they are really bad. Sorry you have crazy eyes Ann-Katherine, And Sorry you have a giant mouth Pam, and Sorry you kind of look like Hercules Vikkie.  These are not 3 of my best drawn people although they are 3 of the most important people in my life.  Plus my flesh tone marker was dying so that really wasn’t helpful.


My sisters are way more attractive then this I swear, people just aren’t my thing

Day 4 of 30: Your favorite place

Okay so here is day 4 I know it’s late, but was busying designing save the dates for my wedding yesterday which is why this is a day late.  My favorite place is the Hammock in my grandparents backyard. I spend a lot of time in their hammock.  My mom and I moved in with my grandparents my freshman year of high school, and I spend a lot of time in high school being mad, and lounging in this hammock reading books or just trying to forget how much I hated being where I was.  Looking back I’m glad things in my life worked out the way they did, because had we not moved I probably would be a completely different person, who never discovered my love of art and that would just be horrible.


who doesn’t love a hammock

I’m really like the way this one turned out it’s very stylized and I love it.

Day 3 of 30: Your favorite Food

Okay as promised I’m back on track for the 30 day drawing challenge.  Today’s challenge was to draw your favorite food, and much like my favorite animal I couldn’t decide (I’m horribly indecisive).  So I chose my top three, which include:

Pizza, Plain cheese pizza, I don’t like toppings at all I just pick them off. When I lived on my own I pretty much only ate pizza which is horrible I know.

Grilled Cheese, I have always loved grilled cheese. It used to be the only thing I would order when I would eat out, except when I was little it always came out “girled” cheese, and my sisters used to joke that the restaurant we were in only served “boyed” cheese.  I used to, to go to Friendlys restaurant just for the grilled cheese, but then they got rid of the classic grilled cheese sandwich and replaced it with a fancy one that is awful.  I have heard that there is a restaurant in Cleveland,Ohio called Melt that just serves grilled cheese (Mark and I watched saw it on an episode of Man vs. Food, I told him that I wanted to go.) Now I’m blathering about grilled cheese, I guess you could say grilled cheese it my top favorite food. Now I’m moving on from grilled cheese. (However if I ever get to got to Melt I’m totally going to write a whole post about about it and my love of grilled cheese)

Cookies My last favorite food is cookies, pretty much any kind of cookie, I’m willing to try them all, although I don’t much care for nuts in my cookies.  And Subway cookies are probably my favorite, and the guys at the Subway in my mall know it.

With out further delay here is the picture:


Has anyone ever tried to draw plain pizza?

The cookie is my favorite, the plain pizza was tough and I didn’t do a grilled cheese sandwich justice.  Tune in tomorrow for and exciting picture of my favorite place, I promise it will just be one place, I can decide on that.

Day 2 of 30: Your Favorite animal

Day 2 is to draw you favorite animal. I couldn’t decide between the otter and the hedgehog so I did both.  I think they turned out kind of cute.  I like them much better than yesterdays portrait.


All sorts of cute in my opinion

Day 1 of 30: A picture of yourself

Okay so I’m not in love with this self portrait, but I bought myself a 40 page sketch book to do the 30 day challenge and this is my second attempt at it, so I’m sticking with this one.  I don’t love this one because like usual with a portrait I made my forehead way to small so look like a monkey.  I’m not sure it really looks anything like me, but I am starting to love working with markers.


This a me/ monkey hybrid, may this is what I would have looked like had a not been so far down the evolution chain.

So as you can see I really do look like a monkey, but oh well.  Self portraits, are my Achilles heel, I have always hated doing them, probably because they never look right.  I’m not a huge portrait fan to be completely honest but this was day one task so I did it.

30 Day Drawing Challege

I’m a straight up pinterest junkie, and a while back I found the 30 Drawing Challenge. And I kept meaning to do it but never got a round to it.  So I figured that I might as well do it now.  So I bought a brand new mixed media sketch book and I’m going to attempt to start this challenge, however with Christmas just around the corner and the fact that I work retail it might not go as smoothly as I hope.

Here is the list:

Day 1: Yourself
Day 2: Favorite Animal
Day 3: Favorite Food
Day 4: Favorite Place
Day 5: Best Friend
Day 6: Favorite Book Character, Can’t be a movie
Day 7: Favorite Word
Day 8: Favorite Animated Character
Day 9: Favorite TV Show
Day 10: Favorite Candy
Day 11: Turning point in your life
Day 12: Most recent accomplishment
Day 13: Comic
Day 14: Favorite Fairy tale
Day 15: Family picture
Day 16: Inspiration
Day 17: Favorite plant
Day 18: Just a doodle
Day 19: Something new
Day 20: Something orange
Day 21: Something you want
Day 22: Something you miss
Day 23: Something you need
Day 24: A couple
Day 25: Scenery
Day 26: Something you don’t like
Day 27: Someone you love
Day 28: Anything you’d like
Day 29: A Place you want to go
Day 30: A congrats banner for finishing the challenge

In the past I have always tried to focus on Realism. Which I might use for some of the focuses, but somethings I just can’t do realism, so I’m going to go with how I’m moved.